In the Media

Bright future ahead for fast-growing lighting company

It is hard to imagine a more difficult time start to a business than that of Mario Roos’s experience with his lighting and energy company LighTec, a finalist in the 2019 Business Partners Ltd Entrepreneur of the Year® competition. Read More

Finalist: Nedbank Business IGNITE

We are proud to say that we were a finalist in the Nedbank Business Ignite.
Listen to our interview on Cape Talk.

Lightec Team and Baby Saver Drop Box

Lightec assists Philisa Abafazi Bethu SA with Baby Saving Device

LighTec is very proud to have been part of the construction of the baby saving device at Philisa Abafazi Bethu in Lavender Hill. The device will help mothers who feel helpless and abandon their babies, sometimes in dustbins or on the side of the road. This has happened on several occasions in the Lavender Hill community over the past two years and so the ‘drop box’ was created to save these babies and help their mothers. Mothers can put their unwanted baby in this box where the staff of Philisa Abafazi Bethu will receive and care for the child.

Roof & Lighting Project - Philisa Abafazi Bethu SA

A New Roof & Lighting for Philisa Abafazi Bethu SA

LighTec has become involved in a project in partnership with Philisa Abafazi Bethu SA, an NGO that assist woman and children that has been abused. We assisted in putting a new roof and ceiling in their baby safe room as well as installing new lighting fittings.

Electrical Technician Apprentice Programme

Electrical Technician Apprentice Programme

LighTec is offering the opportunity to 5 unemployed youths who meet the criteria to participate in their 12 month Electrical Technician Apprentice Programme.

This opportunity will give 5 youths the chance to work alongside skilled electricians, attend  electrical training workshops whereby they will gain valuable knowledge and experience, to assist in furthering their careers in the lighting and electrical fields.

Interested candidates must contact

LighTec © 2022